Forensic Audit of Financial Transactions and Control Environment Assessment funded by USAID and EC (European Commission):
Appointed by the Save the Children – USA (SC-USA), AHKC has successfully carried out Forensic Review Audit of Financial Transactions and Control Environment Assessment of “Shikhon (funded by EC), MaMoni & Proteeva (funded by USAID)” projects managed by Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) and funded by SC-USA as per TOR and agreements among the parties. This Audit was conducted as per agreement executed between SC-USA and AHKC as part of the SC-USA audit work plans with reference to the TOR stated in the agreement. As per TOR the purpose of the review was to investigate and verify the transactions of the projects particularly focusing on procurement, distribution, inventory management, cash management and existing internal control system to:
- Assess procurement activities and related controls are valid, properly authorized and mitigate risk of loss;
- Assess distribution of materials was made properly;
- Assess whether payments and procurement are executed in accordance with organizational policy and procedures; and
- Evaluate the weaknesses of existing control system and suggest improvements.
It was done for the period of 01 January 2010 to 31 March 2011. All observations and findings were included in the report and it also contained recommendations to improve the operation of the procurement and distribution process.
Financial and Organizational Systems (Gender, Human Resources and Governance) Audit of Underprivileged Children’s Education Program (UCEP):
We have conducted the Financial and Organizational Systems (Gender, Human Resources and Governance) Audit of Underprivileged Children’s Education Programme (UCEP) Bangladesh appointed by DFID for the period from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013 in accordance with the relevant standards on related services applicable for the agreed upon procedure engagements and as per Terms of Reference (ToR) of the assignment.
The Local Consultancy Services (Survey) of SAPI project funded by JICA:
“The Local Consultancy Services” for the Special Assistance for Project Implementation (SAPI) for Upazila Governance Development Project (UGDP);
The objectives of the performance assessment survey of Upazila Parishads (the Work) are to collect data of Performance Indicators for conducting performance assessment of all Upazila Parishads and rank according to the performance scores.
The Contractor will form the National Consultant Team, which will work under the supervision of the International Consultant Team headed by KRI. The National Consultant Team will be responsible for collecting and analysing the performance indicators in order to assess the performance of Upazila Parishads and for preparing reports.
Financial Consultancy
Our Firm has successfully carried out financial evaluation of Village Advancement for Research and Development (VARD), Sylhet, Technical Assistance for Rural Development (TARD) being appointed by NOVA Consultancy at the instances of CORDAID-Netherlands, and Shabolomby Unnayan Samity (SUS) and Jagarany Chakra Foundation (JCF) funded by NETZ, Germany.
Feasibility Studies
Our Firm has been engaged in feasibility studies and ultimate preparation of feasibility report of Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital of 350 beds to be set up at Uttara Model Town being appointed by Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM).
Action Aid Bangladesh: Statutory audit of Action Aid Bangladesh including certification of FD 4 as prescribed by the NGO Affairs’ Bureau of Bangladesh and its Partner Organizations for the period from Jan’2014 to Dec’2014.